In the Beginning Was… Information.

Which would you choose? If somehow an explosion happened to produce a perfectly running jet engine with bearings, bolts, nuts, fuel piping, fan blades, etc. – would you rather have that? Or would you instead choose the complete set of hundreds of detailed drawings and thousands of pages of specifications necessary to build the engine? A great disadvantage of the explosion method of obtaining an engine is that jet engines do not reproduce themselves. As soon as that one wore out or broke, where would you get another? Wait another billion years and hope for another miracle? However if you have all of the information necessary to build the engine, you could build as many as you might need.
For living things the question is not as easy. With living things you definitely need the “information” or specifications stored in the cell or you could never get another. However, unless you have a perfect cell to start with the information would be of no value because the materials and mechanics to build another cell would be absent. In other words with life, it is not one or the other but both/and. Unless the first cell could reproduce itself from its beginning, life would be impossible. If life came from some big bang, then all the information necessary for life to exist and reproduce had to happen immediately as well. It would be like the jet engine coming from the explosion along with a perfect and complete set of drawings and specifications.
In human DNA there are 6 billion pieces of information necessary to specify everything necessary for life and its reproduction. If typed in normal size print the DNA code would reach from the North Pole to the Equator. Where did this information come from? To live and reproduce, each cell must contain a copy of the entire DNA code. The code must be read and reproduced in a manner similar to a computer memory chip – except it must be small enough to fit in the nucleus of the cell. The information storage capacity of the DNA molecule is so dense that one teaspoon of DNA could store the specifications for every living thing that has ever existed and have enough room left over to store all the information in every book ever published. According to Harvard scientists, DNA stores information 150,000 times more densely than the most efficient hard drives in use today. It has taken mankind many man-years of research and technology necessary for cell phones and computers.
What kind of miracle would it take for the memory storage medium of the cell pre-loaded perfectly with its 6 billion pieces of information to just appear? Such a happening could only come from a fairy tale. But an even bigger hurdle for the “explosion-chance-no intelligence needed” method of explaining life is the question of where did the information in the cell come from in the first place? Without the information, there can be no life. Each cell has more than 50,000 unique protein molecules that must be specified by the cell work. The machines that do the manufacturing in a cell are protein molecules called ribosomes. These amazing molecular machines have no brain. They only do what the information brought to them from the DNA tells them to do. Without the information, the ribosomes cannot function, protein molecules cannot be manufactured, and life cannot exist.
Let’s ask a more basic question – What is information? Is it some kind of code – like letters or numbers or 1’s and 0’s or lines on a chalkboard? Information experts would agree that information involves some kind of code but it must also have meaning that can be acted upon. For example, is the following information: Magus gitfeg fetgurjustin amus telgee? There is a code and there seems to be a sentence. However if it is meaningless, no genuine information exists. To have meaning, the code must be ordered with both syntax and grammar so that meaningful sentences emerge that can be “understood”. Whether it is English, or mathematical equations, or Morse code, or genetic code, there has to be sufficient language structure to be meaningful. Back to life. Not only does the cell need a way to store information, it also needs a code of some kind, that forms “words” and “sentences” that the ribosome can “read” and interpret and act upon.
The genetic code in the DNA involves 4 chemical letters “A”, “T”, “G”, “C”. These “letters” combine in specific sequences to form the 20 “words” of the genetic language called “amino acids”. These amino acids are put together like words in a sentence to form the genetic “sentences” (or the genes) that the ribosome “reads” to manufacture protein molecules. Incredibly ribosomes, without a brain, are able to read and understand the same complex genetic language the DNA “speaks”. With that information they are then are able to assemble the complex protein molecules needed for life. What are the odds of an explosion creating a complex genetic language that happens to become densely stored in the DNA. Then at the same moment the explosion forms at least 15,000 ribosomes in each cell which astonishingly are able to read, interpret and construct the 50,000 different types of protein molecules each cell needs for life?! – all without a brain or even time to learn the language!
Of course life is far more complex than this, but surely any honest person would see that even the simplest cell is so sophisticated that chance is impossible. Even after many years of research by the most brilliant human minds using the most sophisticated human resources, mankind has barely scratched the surface of understanding cell life. To design and build a working cell with 10 trillion atoms all properly ordered is completely impossible for the human race. Surely the designer and builder of the cell must be of infinite intelligence and ability. The Bible states clearly that “in the beginning God created…” With the life God created, whether plants, animals, or humans, all the information necessary to maintain and reproduce life came pre-stored in each cell of every living thing.
Dr. Wemer Gitt, an information scientist, wrote a book entitled, “In the Beginning was Information” because for any form of life to exist, all the information had to be there from the beginning. It is one thing to believe that an explosion or lightning or violent wind action could produce waves or patterns in sand or drifts of snow. But to believe that the perfect information necessary for life with its code, syntax, grammar and storage medium could come by such means is to be willfully blind to reality. The Bible says that the facts are so clear that even God’s eternal power and wisdom are clearly seen through the things that He has made so that no one has an excuse not to believe in God [Romans 1:20]. We have a benefit that Darwin did not have – modern science – which shows us the true complexity of life. Modern science properly understood compels us to believe in an infinitely wise and powerful God. This God, who is the Master of information and information storage, has given mankind the information necessary to experience a meaningful, purpose-filled life. This information is called the Bible. Just as the DNA contains information necessary for life. God has preserved His word for us so we can have eternal life through His Son Jesus Christ. If you have never read this amazing information, why not read the Gospel of John. These are the very words of God Himself preserved for us so that you can know Him through His Son Jesus Christ. [John 3:16]
In essence, the ‘gospel’ [Good News] is that God sent His son, Jesus, to take our deserved punishment on Himself. Because God is a just judge, a trial of our lives according to His law required a sentence and punishment for breaking His laws. “The wages of sin is death” – Romans 3:23. Because God is a loving judge, He sent His son to take our punishment and fulfill the sentence of death for us, while giving us grace to go ‘free’. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever, believeth in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life” – John 3:16. Although God offers this gift of freedom [salvation] to everyone, only those who recognize their guilt before a Holy God and receive the gift of Jesus substitutionary death are truly those who receive deliverance [salvation]. Those who refuse to admit guilt, when already proven guilty by the perfect judge, are doomed to personally carry out God’s sentence of everlasting damnation. Those who believe that they are guilty, but somehow can ‘make up for it’ or ‘have their good outweigh their bad’ forget the concept that a person can live perfect his whole life yet break one law and it justifies judgment. No amount of past or future good works will matter to a just judge, and that is what God is. The only sensible solution is to admit our guilt and receive the payment that has already been made in our place. “But as many as received him [Jesus], to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe [trust] on his name” – John 1:12. “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” – Romans 10:13.
Would you call on Jesus and receive His gift of salvation?